Don’t expect a fish to climb a tree but you need to try in order to know if you are a fish or a monkey
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Said Albert Einstein.
Indeed, trying to demand someone who currently doesn’t exhibit any interest in programming to deliver an app in a week is such a downer.
So if you are playing the role of an authoritative person, allocate tasks to someone based on what he/she had expressed interest in. However, if the task requires skills that is missing in your team, ask for volunteers but do not punish the volunteers for failure.
That is if are acting as you are a supervisor or manager.
However, if you are new to something, you should always give it a try instead of brushing things off at first sight.
Want to start a blog about computer technology? Go and find out how to do so.
Want to build the next Facebook or Google? Sign up a course to learn more about web programming.
Unless you do not have the resources to do so, stop stopping yourself before trying.
So go climb that tree and swim with the tides. After all we humans can learn to climb and swim.